Answered By: Research support team
Last Updated: Oct 07, 2024     Views: 877

If you are looking for a specific journal article or book, the Library's Discovery search tool (the main search box on the RRU Library homepage) is the best place to start. This approach should ensure you authenticate as an RRU user, so that you'll be able to find and access our subscribed content.

It is generally advisable to put the article title in quotation marks, to search for the title as a phrase. If the article title is particularly long and complicated you could also try searching for just part of the title, also in quotes.


For example, a keyword search in Discovery for the title, "SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research" (in quotations) will surface the below-copied result, along with a blue "View eBook" button.



Click the 'View full text' button, and when prompted, enter your RRU username and password to access the ebook.

For additional keyword search tips, this FAQ provides more information about building complex searches using Boolean operators AND/OR.


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