Answered By: Research support team
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2024     Views: 770

There are many ways to find scholarly articles online. Here are the top four.

(Before you choose where to search, though, you should be sure to have a good search strategy. Check out our 'Research the Topic' tutorial for help developing your topic and building your searches.)


Discovery is the main search box on the RRU Library homepage. You can search most of the Library's digital collection here. Use the filters on the left side of your search results to narrow down to scholarly articles.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a freely accessible tool for finding scholarly articles and grey literature from all fields of study. Be sure to access Google Scholar through the RRU library website, though, so you get easier access to full articles. If you find an article citation for something we have in our Library collection, clicking on the 'Full-Text @ RRU' link should bring it up. Check out our library guide for more information:

Specialized Databases

Royal Roads library has specialized databases that allow you to conduct searches in a specific subject areas. Access to these databases is available from the 'Research Databases' tab on the Library homepage. You can also find your way to subject-specific databases via our subject guides:

Citation Chaining

In the particularly relevant articles you find, look for leads to other good material listed in the reference lists. Search for the titles of these referenced articles in Discovery or Google Scholar. If you are using Google Scholar, try the “related articles” and “cited by” links next to your search results to explore still more related material.

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